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Album Review: Haunted Summer - 'Whole'

Updated: May 3, 2023

Los Angeles-based husband and wife duo Haunted Summer (Bridgette Moody and John Seasons) are back with their third full-length titled Whole. Haunted Summer have carved out a nice niche between psych, indie, and dream pop. Never is this more apparent than on Whole. Never leaning too far into one category musically, Haunted Summer's sound exists as an ethereal dreamlike haze for the listener that floats you away. This is perhaps most evidenced midway on the album with its title track.

Towards the end of Whole, Moody and Seasons aim for a more acoustic touch. When this is combined with Moody's vocals, it's a perfect pairing that is relaxing for the listener. Whole is an album that you can simply put on and drift away to. The album ends on a dream pop note with the track "Retrograde" which is a virtual sonic landscape that is so grand in scale. It's interesting to see what the duo is able to achieve with their flexibility on style and genre throughout the album. This is definitely Alt Revue approved music.

Rating - 4/5

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