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The Friday Five - 11/16/18

Geri Lemmons, Contributor

Flawless - Dorothy

Dorothy is a band that has been on the rise with in the Hard Rock music community. Dorothy is fronted by singer/songwriter Dorothy Martin. She is a singer with a powerful voice with something to say. Their music is a little more on the hard rock side, but it is definitely worth the listen. I really enjoy this band’s music, classic style, and honest lyrics.

“Flawless” comes off of the bands 2018 sophomore album. I love this song and the sound of her voice. This song also feels really honest and super relatable. Anyone who has ever been through a breakup or has had past relationships where the partner has done you wrong this is the perfect song for you. This song will leave you feeling better for walking away from that toxic relationship and show you that you are better off. I would definitely check out Dorothy’s music catalog if you have the chance. Her voice is amazing and they do not disappoint live either!

Mantra - Bring Me The Horizon

Another heavy band but one that you should definitely know about. I have known about Bring Me The Horizon for a number of years and I feel like their music has gotten better and better with every album. “Mantra” is a single the band released in 2018. “Mantra” to me, shows a lot of growth within the band’s music. It seems more mature and definitely a departure from some of their earlier stuff.

“Mantra” is about the lead singer, Oli Sykes, criticizing people willing to follow crowds and trends. He believes they put their faith into things that they don’t understand and end up hurting themselves in the long run. I feel like this song is perfect for the times we are in now and it is one of those songs that really make you think. Also, if you want to see a great, very visual, music video, I would check out this one!

My Blood - Twenty one Pilots

I don’t know if Twenty One Pilots can put out any music that I don’t like. “My Blood” is a sort of soulful track that fits right in with the vibe the band has been having. The song, to me, also has a sort of Foster the People vibe to it in my opinion as well. But they take that vibe and make it their own. This song is very different than their other song “Jumpsuit” and the difference is very refreshing.

This song, to me, sounds like a conversation between the lead singer and someone he is with. It is like he is telling them that they don’t have to face the world alone. He states that they can face anything together and that running away does not have to be an option. This song is not only soulful and fun to dance to, but also it has a very nice meaning to it.

This Year - The Mountain Goats

This has been the song that has gotten me through this year. They lyrics are true to anyone who has ever been through a tough year and new years could not come any sooner. The Mountain Goats have been around for more than 10 years and I believe their music stands the test of time. Their music is sounds a little bit like an upbeat Mumford and Sons feel to their music. Lyrics still have the same depth but, the music itself sounds a little upbeat.

This song came out in 2005 and I feel like it is super relatable in 2018. We all have those days, months, and years when we think, “What else could go wrong?” And then something else goes wrong. This is the perfect song for a bad day or a bad year. It will remind you that you are not alone and that other people are going through things as well. It is a great song for a tough year.

Happier - Marshmallow and Bastille

This song has been playing all across the airways and has gained a lot of attention because of its heartfelt music video. I have seen many people reposting the music video all around Facebook and it is definitely one to watch. It will leave you smiling, crying, and wanting to hug your dog. It meshes well with the song itself and every time you hear the song tears will well up and the image of dogs will pop up in your mind.

The song itself really blends the sound of Both Marshmallow and Bastille. It adds the sort of technical stylings of Marshmallows sound while also not losing the emotion and true sound of Bastille. I say check out this song if you have not heard it yet. It will leave you having happy tears and on your way to the pet store.

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