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Writer's pictureJesse Stowe

EP Review - binki: 'MOTOR FUNCTION'

(Photo Credit - Aidan Cullen)

EP Review - binki: MOTOR FUNCTION (August 13, 2021)

It was the bass in “Clay Pigeon” that got my attention. It is not the most complex rhythm, but there is something about it that drew me in. Maybe it is the pace, the urgency that is also carried through the vocals. I have something to say, everything to say, and I must say it all right now!

“Landline” brings the same anxiety-driven pace through the use of an eighties vibe. Retro and manic. A child of the original ADHD generation.

“Revolve” has more of the same fast, pumping bass and poppy feel. But that’s too easy. It’s up-tempo Ska/Post-Punk/Pop with kids uncontrollably bouncing in the pit at concerts. However, it’s not that same violent energy of the late ’70s and ’80s. This is a new generation, angry but not with each other. They’ve been held back because of the pandemic, the economy, and a heavy debt the boomers cannot understand. They want a break, need a break. Music is a great and positive outlet.

Although the intensity is still present on the last song of the MOTOR FUNCTION EP, it highlights the vocals by slightly backing off the cacophony of layered sound during the chorus.

A voice of his generation and of the time, binki comes out fast and furious on this EP and doesn’t stop until the last beat of the last song. However, at only ten and a half minutes, MOTOR FUNCTION happens in a flash. It hits you, bobs and weaves, hits you again, and is then gone. It works as a great opening act and teaser. Let’s just hope that there is eventually more to come.

Final Thoughts: Go see binki now. And make sure you are ready to bounce.

Favorite Song: “Revolve”

Rating - 3.8/5 – While I love this EP and will listen to it a lot, it all happens too fast. It’s only a bite, and I at least need a snack.

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