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Confessional with Bad Saint - 3/16/2020

It's Monday and that means it's time for Confessional with Bad Saint! Every week Bad Saint will be taking your musical questions, confessions, and/or settling your debates. We have a great batch of questions this week from the public. If you would like to submit a question for Bad Saint, send an email to With that, let's get to your questions!

1. What album are you most excited for in 2020? -Meg from Dallas  The full-length Lauv album! I love some sad girl dance music. I’m also really happy about the new Grimes album. 2. Who are the top 5 bands/artists in your opinion that people underrate? -Sawyer from Toledo Dolly Parton, is the most underrated. I also feel really strongly that Carly Rae Jepson, The Bouncing Souls, Elvis Costello, and Donna Summer have written some of the best pop hooks ever. 3. What's one instrument you've always wanted to learn but haven't had the opportunity? -Hannah from London The banjo! My dream is to one day live our of my van, drive it to Nashville, and learn to play the banjo and have a cute dog. I just finished all of the “Dolly Parton’s America” podcast and really want to learn to play Silver Dagger on the banjo. 4. The Airborne Toxic Event are back! Thoughts? -Erin from Los Angeles  They’re the true originators of the Coronavirus and must be stopped at all costs. 5. Who's a band that you want to release an album like yesterday? -Alex from Toronto I think it’s high time for some new Kacey Musgraves.

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