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Advance Review - Chris Catalena - 'Chris Catalena'

(Photo Credit - James Oswald)

Advance Review - Chris Catalena - Chris Catalena (November 1, 2019)

There's something earnest and heartfelt about the music that Chris Catalena makes. It takes you back to a different time. He's been compared to outlaw country, I don't know if that comparison is quite accurate. Songs like "Fool Fool Fool" transport the listener back to an almost 50's rock sensibility. Pair the melody with Catalena's vocals, he takes the listener on a slow-winding journey that's over just as quick as it came. But you sure as hell know you've been somewhere and it was beautiful.

"Little Thread" brings the classic country melody, including the bright wispy notes of the harmonica. It's one to tap your toe to. Vocally, Catalena is modern and classic simultaneously, he doesn't have a traditional twang to his voice. It's hard to place, (the closest comp I could come to is Bob Dylan and Jim James #highpraise) but damn does it fit.

With "Lil' Old You" brings back the classic rock stylings, which again fit his vocals perfectly. He hits the highs when you would want him to and stays low in just the right spaces. There's some fun guitar-work here, particularly with some slide action, you've gotta love it.

Catalena does a great job of mixing classic country melodies with classic rock tracks to find a perfect mix of the two for the album. He's a bold, energetic vocalist and brings a lot to his melodies from that perspective. He's one to keep your eye on and surely will be a rising star in the alt-country genre.

Rating - 4/5

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