(Photo Credit - Emily Rieman)
Advance Review - Mudhoney - Morning in America (September 20, 2019)

Morning in America captures the intense anxiety of living in 2019. Beginning with quiet and barely contained rage in “Vortex of Lies,” Mudhoney reinforces their relevance in the post-punk alternative rock world. Combining dry and dark humor in the lyrics of “Let’s Kill Yourself Live Again” and the title song, listeners hear the influence of early punk bands like Gang of Four and Wire. However, the music in “Creeps Are Everywhere” and “One Bad Actor” is more technical and advanced, reminiscent of late eighties and early ninety hard rock, showcasing the guitar and drumming kills of an experience band.
While listeners will not get the full range of abilities that this group is capable of, this EP of outtakes, extras and alternative versions is focused, like an opening act that blows away the headliner.
Closing Thoughts: I want this band to play at The Union in Athens, Ohio. I could not help but think about all the people who I thought would not only enjoy this album but an entire night of Mudhoney.
Rating - 3.5/5 (Because it is only a snack and I want a meal)