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#HotTake Review - Voodoo Logic - For Tonight

(Photo Credit - Megan Gallegos)

#HotTake Review - Voodoo Logic - For Tonight

Voodoo Logic is back with their album For Tonight which they dropped digitally today, a mere 5 months after their fantastic debut EP Trials, and Tribulations. What's great about this album first, is that it was recorded with the band live in studio. Something that not many bands do these days. This shows the comfort the group has with their live sound (and for good reason). They didn't layer these tracks. The end result is a classic sounding rock album in the way many bands used to do it.

Let's talk about the music for a little bit before I get into the album overall. First, Voodoo Logic have included my favorite new track they have "Breathing Underground" which takes me back to a psychedelic 60's/70's Jefferson Airplane experience. It's an absolute mindf*ck of a song that you'll be sure to dig. Lori Ragsdale kills the vocals on this one. I absolutely dig the harmonies in "Fallen Angel" it takes me back to a 70's/80's rock experience. Another strong track appearing on the album is "A New Way Home". Voodoo Logic are always strong with melody. Here you have George Woods performing lead vocals and the results are great. Voodoo Logic aren't afraid to experiment with different vocalists leading, different vocalist pairings, it's all to get the best result. It's refreshing to see as there doesn't seem to be egos here. By the way side note, check out the solo on "A New Way Home", it's killer. "Party Rock and Roll" is a classic banger of a track. The guitars are tight, the drums absolutely push the melody where it needs to go.

Closing Thoughts - If you're a fan of classic rock or rock in general you're going to love this. It has driving guitar, great solos and leads throughout, dynamic vocalization, and powerful drums. This is an album you can turn on in your car with the windows down and crank it as you drive. Voodoo Logic come up again with a diverse twist on the rock genre, sometimes veering classic, sometimes psychedelic, sometimes straight up rock. Voodoo Logic have taken the bull by the horns in Corpus Christi, Texas and have emerged as leaders on the scene, much due to their non-stop hard work and dedication. If you're into alt-rock, you should definitely give them a listen.

Rating - 4/5

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