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The Friday Five - 10/12/18

Geri Lemmons, Contributor

From music for luxury resorts on the moon to a band called Walk the Moon, this week’s top five is filled with some solid work. These are some of the songs that captured my attention this week and got me through my time at work and traveling. Some may be songs that have been out for a while, but that doesn’t make them any less worthy. Hope you find something you like! Enjoy!

Kamikaze-Walk The Moon

Walk The Moon is one of those bands that really knows how to write songs that can get people moving. Their song “Kamikaze” does just that that. It’s super catchy and can be enjoyed by almost anyone. Walk The Moon has been riding high on success since their song, “Shut up and Dance,” shot them into mainstream success. Since then, they have been touring, released a live album, and released another album titled, “What if Nothing,” as well. They have been working hard for the past couple of years and it really shows in their music.

The song feels fresh and empowering at the same time. It leaves you feeling upbeat and ready to take on the world. “Kamikaze” is a great song to listen to if you are looking for an upbeat alternative song. It doesn’t matter if you are fans of other genres of music, this is what Walk The Moon does best, they create songs that are enjoyable to everyone.


You can’t turn to an alternative radio station without hearing this song, and it is for good reason. Unlike pop radio, where you might hear the same song over and over again because it is just what’s hot right now, this song is played repeatedly because it’s just that good and has heart to it. “Broken” is lovelytheband’s first breakthrough hit and it is a solid one at that.

You can tell based off of this group’s first breakthrough hit that this will be a more poppy alternative group, and there is nothing wrong with that. To me, “Broken” also feels like a lighthearted tune with deeper lyrics. It is written in the perspective of two very damaged people talking about their relationship.

Jumpsuit-Twenty One Pilots

Currently, Twenty One Pilots is one of those alternative bands that can do no wrong, at least for now. They have won Grammys and basically ruled the radio for a solid two years. Fans have been highly anticipating their new album, and with the song “Jumpsuit” they did not disappoint, in my opinion. I like this song and especially how it changes in mood, tempo, and pace. There are some parts that feel slow and melodic, while other parts feel angry and fast. My friend called this climatic part of the song the “screamo” part, if you need a reference.

“Jumpsuit” is one of the first songs many people have heard off of this new album and it has been a great way to start it off. The song feels like it fits right in with the Twenty One Pilots catalog, which is a good thing to say about a band with such a unique sound. And it shows that even with success, this group can stay true to their roots and still be innovative at the same time.

Crossing The Line-Mike Shinoda

This song came out a while ago, but I still really enjoy listening to it. We all know that Mike Shinoda can create good music, based off of his track record. He has made many good albums with Linkin Park and has created hits for his own group, Fort Minor. These days he is venturing out on his own and I have to say that I really enjoy it. I think his album “Post Traumatic” is really good and I enjoyed it.

If I had to choose one song that caught my attention first, it has to be “Crossing The Line.” And it just so happened to actually be the first song I heard off of the album. This song is relatable to everyone who has ever looked at a new chapter in their life. To me, the song is trying to convey that sometimes in order to get what you want or where you want to go, you must step out of your comfort zone or, cross a line. I really like the song and this message.

Arctic Monkeys-Four out of Five

Arctic Monkeys is one of those groups that are highly respected within the Alternative genre. To me, they make music that just sounds too cool, but in a good way. “Four out of Five” feels that way, cool and understated. It seems like it could be played at a coffee shop or in the background of a movie scene.

According to Pitchfork, the whole album “Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino” has a sort of sci-fi element to it. The band is portrayed here as a lounge band playing in the background of some resort on the moon. This song feels like just that. It is easy listening, but still feels cool and is definitely worth the listen if you have the chance.

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